Kiddy’s Big Win: A Celebration at Trøndelagsmøtet 2024 Pitch Competition!

Kiddy’s Big Win: A Celebration at Trøndelagsmøtet 2024 Pitch Competition!

🏆✨We’re thrilled to share the exciting news that our very own Kiddy, the multilingual communication platform designed for education, emerged victorious at the Trøndelagsmøtet 2024 pitch competition in Trondheim! 🚀

Empowering Inclusivity and Collaboration

Kiddy has always been more than just a tool; it’s a commitment to breaking down societal barriers, particularly in the realm of education. Winning the pitch competition is not just a recognition of our innovation but a testament to the impact we’re making in fostering inclusivity and collaboration within educational settings.

Team representing Daxap at Trøndelagsmøtet

Our dynamic team, led by our dedicated CEO and Founder, Kubilay Kartal and our Operations and Development Chief, Asim Yilmaz, showcased Kiddy’s transformative power on the Trøndelagsmøtet stage. Kubilay’s entrepreneurial vision and Asim’s operational expertise have been instrumental in bringing Kiddy to life.

Explore Kiddy’s features

As we celebrate this achievement, we invite you to explore Kiddy’s features designed to streamline communication, enhance collaboration, and promote inclusivity in educational institutions. Kiddy is not just a communication platform; it’s a catalyst for positive change.

Join Us on the Journey

At Kiddy, we believe that communication should know no boundaries. Whether you’re an educator, a parent, or a school administrator, Kiddy is here to simplify and enrich communication in your educational community. Join us on this journey toward a more connected and inclusive future.

Get in Touch

If you’re curious about how Kiddy can revolutionize communication in your institution, reach out to us! We’re here to discuss your unique needs and explore the possibilities together.

Read more at:

Overlegen seier til Daxap på Trøndelagsmøtet

#KiddyWins #Trøndelagsmøtet2024 #CommunicationRevolution #InclusiveEducation

Revitalizing Communication: Introducing Zoom Integration in Kiddy!

Revitalizing Communication: Introducing Zoom Integration in Kiddy!

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! We’ve just taken a giant leap toward enhancing communication between staff and parents in the education sector by integrating video calls into Kiddy. The new Zoom integration allows staff to create meetings directly through the calendar, revolutionizing the way you communicate! 🎉

This update is designed to make it easier for staff to plan, invite, and hold meetings – all from one place. Parents will receive meeting information both via email and directly in the Kiddy calendar. We understand the value of time for staff in the education sector, and with this integration, we aim to free up more time for what truly matters: the well-being and development of the children.

Feature Highlights:

  1. Easy Creation: Create Zoom meetings directly from the Kiddy calendar and invite parents with a simple click.
  2. Automatic Sharing: Meeting information is automatically sent to parents’ email and Kiddy calendar for easy access.
  3. Centralized Hub: All communication gathered in one place, saving time and reducing complexity.

We are dedicated to improving communication and collaboration between staff and parents. The Zoom integration is an example of our commitment to delivering a seamless experience for all users.

Do you have any questions or want to learn more about this update? Feel free to reach out to us! 🚀📱 #KiddyUpdate #ZoomIntegration #SmarterCommunication

You can read more about Zoom here: What is Zoom Video Conferencing? – Zoom Support

For more information about the Kiddy app, visit:

For more information about the social entreprenur behind kiddy, Visit:

Enhancing Kindergarten/School-Home Communication: Insights from Norwegian Educators and Kiddy App

Enhancing Kindergarten/School-Home Communication: Insights from Norwegian Educators and Kiddy App

In connection with kindergarten and the start of school, we at Kiddy have spoken to dedicated teachers about what is important to consider to maintain good school-home communication. We’ve talked to the individuals behind Instagram accounts @inkluderingssiril – Siril Grevsnes Bratten, @norskmedmona – Mona Grorud Sørensen, and @nyinorsken – Marianne Gaasø!

Today marks the week’s final contribution, and none other than @nyinorsken – Marianne Gaasø has written about the importance of good school-home communication.

“Imagine starting a new job. You bring with you many experiences from your previous job, but you know little about this new job. You receive information from your boss, but you don’t understand what he’s saying. You have questions, but you don’t know how to formulate them so that you’ll be understood with the words and terms used in the new company. You notice that you try to have as little contact as possible and that it’s difficult to engage with colleagues and the work. When parents who are new to Norway send their children to school, there is much that is new for them. Mom and dad may have experiences from a school system similar to the Norwegian one, but many may have experiences that are unfamiliar in a Norwegian context. Parents want to prepare their children for what awaits them in school and actively participate in their children’s everyday lives. Education is a big and important project in many families. Providing parents with tools they can quickly use, especially multilingual tools, will start a good collaboration from day 1. Parents will become accustomed to receiving information they understand, and they will find that they can easily provide useful information back to the school for the benefit of the child. Having good cooperation with the home is so important that one cannot wait for parents to learn to use single-language tools or enough Norwegian to communicate on the school’s terms.”

Marianne Gaasø, Contact teacher for welcome class and responsible for newly arrived students.

“Almost daily, messages go from school to home for parents in a class. It can be anything from ‘Remember outdoor school tomorrow’ to longer information about things happening at school. I worked in adult education for many years before I started as a contact teacher for a welcome class in my municipality. Much time at school went into explaining and translating the information received from the school for the adult participants. It’s good for learning Norwegian, but also time-consuming. I also experienced that many parents with a minority language background gave up following what came from the school through other communication platforms, because they didn’t understand. As a result, their children often came unprepared to school because parents hadn’t received messages sent out. Two years ago, I went back to primary school, first as an SNO teacher, and eventually, we got our own welcome class. As an SNO teacher, I spent a lot of time with Google Translate in various languages. I also have parents who don’t read in their mother tongue in my group. It was very challenging to exchange messages both ways. Being able to communicate between school and home is very important for all parties, and most importantly for the child’s well-being and social/academic development at school. I am very pleased that I discovered Kiddy. It makes it easy for me to write a message in Norwegian, and I know that parents receive the message in a language they understand. If they can’t read, they get the message read aloud. I also find that I mostly receive important messages about, for example, absences, dental appointments, and so on. It was rare that I received such messages before. I find that parents can communicate important information in a much better way (and much more often) now, making it safe and predictable for all of us around the student, and especially for the student themselves.”

Mona, Teacher in special Norwegian at primary school in Skaun municipality.


Mona, Teacher in special Norwegian at primary school in Skaun municipality.

“I think it’s important to have an understanding of what the home is facing. What can one expect, and why is it like that. We adults must not look down on the home, but rather gain an understanding of what the home looks like. So, at school, we must see the student for who they are and exactly where they are. And at that level, establish a relationship with the student. Be curious about the culture and immerse oneself in the culture. Know the history of the culture and in the classroom bring in cultural understanding! Perhaps one can have a project about a country and let students study that country, cook food, and learn about where ‘x’ comes from. I believe that this creates inclusion.”

InkluderingsSiril💚, Teacher and Social Worker.

For more information about the Kiddy app, visit:

For more information about the social entreprenur behind kiddy, Visit:

Exiting news: First kindergarden in Netherlands are using Kiddy for communication with parents

Exiting news: First kindergarden in Netherlands are using Kiddy for communication with parents

Big news for Kiddy! In january 2023 our very first deal abroad was signed by our new customer in the Netherlands, Nursery Schatrijk. Kiddy, as a communication platform, will contribute to better inclusion and integration of parents, not only in Norway but eventually throughout Europe! Every day, we work hard to create a communication tool tailored to the needs of our users. We look forward to seeing Kiddy being adopted in the Dutch market by daycare centers and schools!

Kiddy – Simplified communication for everyone!

For more information about the Kiddy app, visit:

For more information about the social entreprenur behind kiddy, Visit:



Many parents with a minority language background have challenges communicating with nurseries, kindergardens, schools, sports and leisure clubs. This also means that they struggle to be included in the children’s everyday life. Kiddy solves this with the help of an app.

Kiddy currently has 19 languages which are directly translated via an App and Web Admin. The aim of the project was to understand whether Kiddy can contribute to better communication and cooperation between kindergartens and parents of minority-language children.

As part of the work to ensure that the solution has the desired effect, in August 2022 Daxap entered into a collaboration with SINTEF.

The aim of the project was to understand whether Kiddy can contribute to better communication and cooperation between kindergartens and parents of minority-language children.

Contributes to easier communication and better understanding

SINTEF carried out a survey among employees and parents at Sandfjæra kindergarten i Malvik municipality.

As well as kindergartens in Søndre Nordstrand district in Oslo who have already used Kiddy since spring 2022.

The results of the survey were very positive.

Parents with a minority language background experienced easier access to information and better communication with the kindergarten when using Kiddy. The translation function received particularly good feedback. In addition, staff and parents agreed that Kiddy had a positive effect on relations between staff and parents, communication between nursery school and home and integration of parents – regardless of language. This shows that Kiddy can be an important tool for including parents with a minority language background in their children’s everyday life, as well as simplifying communication for those who already speak Norwegian.

According to Siw Olsen Fjørtoft from SINTEF, the findings from the survey show that Kiddy is an effective tool.

“Parents with a minority language background experienced easier access to information and better communication with the kindergarten when using Kiddy.”

Siw Olsen Fjørtoft, Project Manager at SINTEF

Summary information about the survey:

– A total of 183 people participated. Of those who participated, 33 were employees and 150 were parents. 48 % of those who participated had a language other than Norwegian as their mother tongue.

– When asked about ease of use and the experience of using the Kiddy app, the results showed generally positive feedback from the participants.

– 68% of the participants believed that most people will learn to use the app quickly, and 58 % believed that the different functions in Kiddy were well connected.

– 83% of the participants felt that the Kiddy app was easy to use.

– Regarding the translation function, 73% of the participants stated that they were largely satisfied that the translation provided the information they needed to give and receive. This figure increased to 83% among parents with a minority language background.

– The results of the survey also showed a positive effect of Kiddy on relations between staff and parents, communication between nursery school and home and integration of parents. 62% of the participants believed that Kiddy had a positive impact on the relationships between employees and parents, while 77% believed that Kiddy contributed positively to the integration of parents. 57 % thought Kiddy contributed positively to communication between nursery school and home.

Download the document

Manages for positive social impact

An important part of social entrepreneurship is measuring the societal effect, also known as impact management. For a social entrepreneur, the social results are just as important as financial returns, and a bottom line that can be measured and managed. An impact economy is a global megatrend where companies largely follow, invest in and buy from companies that measurably solve societal challenges. The digital communication solution Kiddy stands as an example of how Daxap contributes to the impact economy with its impact management.

Impact management is to systematically identify, measure and improve one’s social impact. Daxap has systematized this in an impact management plan. The plan focuses on identifying important challenges in society and opportunities for the company to create positive change in this.

Marte Sootholtet

General manager of Impact Startup

believe that:

Daxap are experienced technology entrepreneurs with an important solution. The fact that they are also working with a solid actor like SINTEF to become wiser about the effect of Kiddy, testifies that they are also dedicated social entrepreneurs who want to improve society. The findings show that they are on the right track.

Marte Sootholtet, CEO of Impact StartUp

Kubilay Kartal

Managing Director of Daxap

is happy about the positive feedback:

Kiddy has already been shown to have a measurable positive change on a priority problem. We want to ensure that Kiddy continues to contribute to better communication and cooperation between all employees and parents – regardless of language.

Kubilay Kartal, Managing Director of Daxap

For more information about the Kiddy app, visit:

For more information about the social entreprenur behind kiddy, Visit: